Tuesday, August 23, 2011

amanda, please

Meet my roommate, Amanda:

She is a funny gal.

Amanda: I want to learn to pole dance.  I want a pole and a disco ball in our living room.
Lyndsey: Who are you going to dance for?
Amanda: Myself! I hear it's a good workout.

Welcome to 166, people.

the big reveal

I have promised pictures and (finally) I have pictures!

After weeks of crafting, hot glueing, nailing, assembling, decorating, midnight shopping, spray painting and organizing, the room is DONE (with a few exceptions...)!

The process...

The before and after pictures...

the bed before...
my desk before...

... after! lots and lots of projects over here!
this is one of my favorites:
$1.25 shutters at the thrift store, painted and repurposed!
the blank wall is no longer blank!
75% off Target cubbies, painted and hung,
thrift store picture frames for under $3 total
love this... so sad we no longer have our Hobby Lobby
but Hancock's will work for now!
Any suggestions for other ways to brighten up a boring room?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

$59 muffins

Howdy.  Again, I apologize for the lack of updates- Recruitment is OVER and our Baby Deltas are precious so now I can finally get back into the swing of things.

My boss, who I love am obsessed with, was precious enough to work with my schedule for the past 2 weeks and I haven't baked in awhile so I figured it was the perfect excuse to make some muffins!

In the Martin house, we have everything you could possibly need to bake.  Seriously, EVERYTHING.  Susan knows her way around the kitchen.  The woman made an A+ in Housewife 101.

see? this gal knows her stuff.
mama, I did know not to put this on the stove,
thank you very much...

Now that I have my own house-ish, I don't have anything so I had to go get everything that I took for granted.  Like flour. And a muffin tin.  In total, I spent $59 at Target for these stinkin' muffins.

And they were SO worth it.

Presenting the $59 Muffins 
(aka Snickerdoodle Muffins)

I used this recipe and they were delicious!

these weren't part of my purchase tonight but aren't they precious?!

seriously so delicious!

i bought this, too, because it was cute and
"completely necessary"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

house happenings

Hi, friends! Sorry I have been MIA but my life has been cuh-razy the past 2 weeks.  Here's what's happened.

1) Had a farewell dinner with the fam and the boy at Willie Raes which is some seriously delicious food!

2) Moved to Tuscaloosa, stayed with my precious friends Grace and Julia, slept on a futon, lived out of a suitcase for 5 days.  It was rough but mostly just because I like for things to be organized! I loved hanging out with these girls in my spare time, they were so much fun to live with!

3) Started training at my new job.  The good: learned so much and got to really take charge of my expectations for this year.  The bad: SO MUCH PAPERWORK that I have to learn how to do.  The ugly: all the food was catered for every meal so I gained 979182 lbs.  Also I made lots of new friends in the Housing Community and I have found others who share my love for the Bachelor/Bachelorette, including my boss' husband, Geoff and my co-worker TJ (just kidding... sort of).

working 14 hour days does have its benefits... like playing hangman with the office
this one, courtesy of Geoff at 9:30 pm...

4) Organized my office.  I have worked 10-12 hour days for the past 2 weeks and lots of that has been getting things ready for the new year which means cleaning and organizing! Let me tell you, people, this office looks fab.  I share it with a guy so I can't share my super feminine touch with all of my building, but it's organized, labeled, sterilized and spotless so I'm a happy girl.

i hate these post-its.  they trip me up every time...

5) Moved into my house.  Lots more pictures to come!  Right now I'm roughin' it (not really).  Nothing is cute or decorated but once my life slows down on August 24th I can't wait to spend my whole pay check  at Pier 1, Kirklands, Goodwill and Hobby Lobby (RIP...) to make my space super cute.  Enjoy the pics, though! Promise I'll have lots of new pics of new projects when the 24th rolls around!

the living room, we need some serious furniture to fill this space!


backyard... love it! i need patio furniture recommendations though

the house!

like i said... roughin' it

this will be much cuter soon!
Hope this provides as a decent excuse for why I have neglected the blog... Good things coming, I promise!