Friday, June 15, 2012

noodle dance

The Fourth is my FAVORITE holiday.  This year, unfortunately, I won't be in my hometown to enjoy the festivities.  I decided to add a little American flair to my back porch so that I can celebrate the colors all month long!  This project cost me a total of $2 and took me 30 minutes total to make!  

Funny story, I was picking up the noodles from our local dollar store and this sweet lady asked me what I was doing with them.  I explained this project to her- three minutes later, I was sitting on the floor of the store with seven or eight women around me as I showed them how to do it!  Funny things happen when you're crafting!

This one is for all my new dollar store friends!  Three easy-peasy steps to make the Patriotic Summer Garland:

cut your noodles into 1-inch sections.  a kitchen knife will do great!

string all your pieces together with a needle and some fishing line

hang it up! 

The best part about this?  WEATHER.  PROOF.  I hung this up and we had a gigantic storm blow through that night and those suckers stayed in place!  Neither wind nor, rain....

Happy Fourth!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

father's day

Father's day is a week from today!  Unfortunately, I won't be able to spend the day with my awesome Daddy, but I figured this craft was a fun and somewhat manly addition to our lakehouse (a convenient time for a present)!

My daddy loves the lake.  Like seriously?  He's a stud.  What 50-ish year old can do this?:

dude's got skillzzz
Anyways, we have a great house up in Hartwell, Georgia, and I figured this craft that everyone has been making lately would be a shabby-chic addition to the living room and a decent present for The Boss!  It did take a really long time, but it only cost me $2!!  Booyah!

tape your state down on the wood to make nailing the holes easier!

not bad for my first time!
Happy Father's Day, Jeffe!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

lilly lovin'

Like I said, I'm digging cooler painting lately. Does it take 800 years? Yes. But it's totally worth it.

I made this one for my Mama for Mother's Day and gave it to her last weekend!

We love Lilly Pulitzer... like, we flew to Pennsylvania to spend a boat load of money during a Sample Sale.  It was easily the most fun I have ever had with my sweet Mama!  I decided to loosely base her cooler off of this print:

you can't quite tell, but they're fish...
paint pens were my bffs for this one
she uses it all the time and I'm so glad!