Sunday, July 8, 2012


I love America.  Seriously, I am so patriotic it frightens people.  I cry during fireworks, the National Anthem and would sleep on a street corner in Washington D. C. if they would let me stay forever.  Also, the Welcome Home, Soldiers Blog.  Check it out:
I have done some serious procrastinating on this site...
I spent this past Spring Break in Washington D. C. with my sweetest friend, Audrey, who was rocking an internship at the Senate!  What a little go-getter!

after our VIP tour of the Capitol!
Needless to say, I love The Fourth.  May-retta, Georgia put on THE BEST Independence Day celebration, it cannot be topped.  Unfortunately, this year I had to work in Tuscaloosa so I missed the celebration.  That didn't stop me from making some patriotic meringue cookies!  

Meringue cookies are so easy to make and you can color/flavor/pipe them for any occasion.  I used jello powder to flavor my red and blue cookies and they are melt-in-your-mouth delicious!  

I think these look like fireworks- how stinkin' appropriate!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

guerilla bread

Paula Deen makes this fab-o thing called Gorilla Bread.  I think it's a phenomenal once-every-year kind of treat and when le boyfriend came to town I figured it would be a great time to stuff my our faces.  Coincidentally, I had a class project due the next day so some friends came over to complete our movie trailer!  The breakfast and movie trailer turned out great and both are below!

Mrs. Deen makes this recipe with super easy ingredients and a bundt pan.  I was half way through the preparation process when I realized I didn't have a bundt pan.  Duh.  So, I improvised: instead of gorilla bread, I made guerilla bundles.  I renamed them because 1) I put them in a muffin pan and it definitely helped with portion control and 2) the amount of sugar that will attack your system after eating 1 9 of these sneaks up on you like a guerilla army.  Yikes but totally yummy!  Here's what my little guerrilla bundles looked like:

Also, here is our trailer for the movie "The Hunger Games"... really the fewer details you have, the better off you will be:

Happy Fourth, Y'all!