Saturday, July 9, 2011

c'mon, get crafy

So, I just got back from The Lakehouse (I know, you're shocked) and I was bored so I decided to get crafy!

I saw these laptop sleeves on Etsy and I was thinking "Those are the cutest but I bet I can make them!" so here I am on a Saturday night, making my own laptop cover...

Her covers cost anywhere from $20-30 and I made mine for $9 and less than an hour's worth of work!

I didn't use a pattern, I really just winged it, but next time I'll know some serious do's and do not's... tell me what you think!


1/2 yd. of fabric for the outside
1/2 yd. of fabric for the inside
ribbon or buttons

I promise you I didn't even use a ruler, I just draped the fabric across my laptop, eyeballed it and cut...

Sew 3 sides of the "wrong side" of the fabric together and then turn it inside out so that you have a very long "pillow case" looking thing...

sew 3 sides of the "pillow case" so that you can stuff it and then sew it up!

Stuff all of it except for the little flap (again, I just eyeballed it...)

Sew up the sides, add a ribbon and there you have it!


Not bad for someone with absolutely no sewing skillz!  Let me know if you want more explicit instructions, I promise you I just made it up haha!

Now someone needs to tell me how to make an iPhone case for under $50....

Any more easy crafty ideas?

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