Tuesday, June 21, 2011

book worm

Say "Hello!" to my summer reading list! It's not much of a list because I don't have much time to read with a practically-full-time job...

Tina Fey's "Bossy Pants"

I just finished it and it is SO GOOD.  The woman writes like she talks and she talks like I think.  Soul sisters.  Plus, there's an entire chapter dedicated to her Sarah Palin character and y'all know how I just love Caribou Barbie!  She's teaching me that a woman MUST be everything, embracing your flaws is key and that motherhood is messy and fab-o, especially if you work for SNL.  Lorne Michaels, here I am!

Timothy Keller's "The Reason for God"

I started to read this last summer but never really got to a place where I allowed myself to focus on something so heavy and important.  I'm about 70 pages in and I'm absolutely loving what Keller has to say.  The book takes every argument about why Christianity is failing, frivolous, useless and harmful and turns it on its head.  He explores other options and arguments from alternative religions and his research is unbelievably extensive.  I recommend it to those who are looking to dive deeper into the faith and to those who are looking to be proven wrong about the Savior.  Such an experience!

Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight"

Just writing the word "twilight" makes me cringe... vampires make me want to throw myself under a bus.  It's not the fiction, it's not the romance, it's the vampire.  I can do books like Harry Potter- no problem! It's made up, it's silly, but it's SO well written and sucks me in every time.  All of my sweet girl friends have said that about "Twilight" so I figure it's about time to see what all of the fuss is about.  Besides, this way, if I hate it, I can criticize it whole heartedly!

George W. Bush's "Decision Points"

Half of you love this decision and the other half of you want to laugh in my face but hear me out: Bush was President for a huge chunk of my life and this is important to me.  I'll also read Obama's book (I'm sure there will be several...).  I'll never read Clinton's book because I don't have much respect for the man (his wife, on the other hand, has some serious guts, politics aside!).  So let me read my book about Bush.  I'm actually really excited about it, I think it will be a good transition back into academic reading for August!

Anyone have any suggestions?  What are you reading this summer?


  1. Have you read American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld, I'm in the middle of it right now. And you should read Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. I just finished that one. Both are very good. Hope you are having a great summer!

  2. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, i just finished it and it was such a great christian fiction read. It really just shows how God is right and always loves us no matter what. I really think you would like it. It has romance, love, and a passionate female lead. Hope you have a great summer!
